My son, Alexander, is 42 months old. For the last two weeks or so, he has been POTTY TRAINED (during the day- at night we are still using Pull-Ups because my son sleeps like me, and that means that the house could burn down and he probably wouldn’t notice. The house alarm went off once and my dear son didn’t even move!). I have had pretty much NO life, as I have been focused on making this potty business happen.Now I am trying to figure out how to transition from this little potty to the big, “grown up” potty. Needless to say, Alex will NOT use the potty if we are out in public. He didn’t start refusing until George took him to the restroom in Home Depot and the automatic toilet flushed while he was on it, scaring Alex to death. He has only used the “grown up” potty once, at his doctor’s office, and that’s only because I dragged him to the bathroom three times and held him up in front of the toilet. His doctor (I just love her!) did share with me that most of the kiddos she sees who are Alex’s age are not potty trained. I was surprised. That means that a lot of people lie about whether their kids are or not and/or I have only run into the mothers of overachievers!
I have purchased a portable potty that I will make Alex start using all the time, and maybe I’ll be able to go somewhere for more than an hour because he’ll actually use the porta-potty. I’m not getting my hopes up, though. After all, we’ve been working on potty training since Alex was two...so based on that timeline, he should be using the “grown up” potty by the time he starts kindergarten!
For those who are anxiously waiting for this magical potty use to begin (really, I can’t think of anything more exciting that he’s done since he started walking!), check out http://www.3daypottytraining.com. At first I balked at the idea of paying for the guide, but it turned out to be the straw that broke the camel’s back!