I just read an article that mentioned that there is still a stigma attached to being depressed. It makes me feel brave because I have chosen to be so vocal (to the point that even I sometimes think, "Enough already about how depressed you are! Can we talk/think about something else now??") about my experience with depression- and to share, as openly as appropriate, how difficult this illness can be. Even if it means that people think I'm crazy, or unstable, or whatever it is people think that causes there to be a stigma...I have gained so much from reading about others' ways of coping that I don't dare withhold what I have discovered! (Besides, I am a touch crazy. It's part of my charm!)
I've referred to depression as cancer with no remission- but it's probably more aptly described as being like ADHD. Everybody probably has a touch of it every now and then, whether they realize it or not; everyone knows someone who has it; and even those who have been "officially" diagnosed and who are "properly" medicated still demonstrate symptoms. For these reasons, and many more, what I want for my birthday is a cure for depression.
Imagine it! Though the elimination of depression would end up in people losing their jobs (drug manufacturers, therapists, etc.), it could mean thousands of dollars and hours of energy and effort saved- money, energy, and effort that could go toward other things, like education! No more depression would mean many more people are able to have productive days more often. It would likely result in fewer divorces and bad decisions as well. The simple fact that it would be the end of the bulk of all suicides is reason enough to find a cure!
Everyone will benefit from no more depression When I blow out my 32 candles this year, its total disappearance will be my wish.