29 December 2010

Smarty Pants

Alex is convinced that he knows everything, a sentiment he shared with me this afternoon in the car. We were discussing the rest of our day's agenda (including completing some of his homework that should've been done a week ago!) after a fruitful excursion to Fry's Marketplace (we scored two awesome lighted Christmas decorations for $6.25 each due to their 75% off everything Christmas sale!). When I suggested that he might want to keep studying to become smarter, he replied, "I'm already smart, and I already know everything." Oh boy.

Sadly, Alex probably does know "everything" when it comes to me. He knows that he came from my tummy, that I'm married to his father, etc. What is sad is that he also knows that Mommy has some days when she's very sad, cries a lot, or is in a generally bad mood. I have explicitly told him that my bad days are NEVER because of him. He has already proven himself to be a sensitive child, but what strikes me most significantly are his quiet ways of dealing with my depression. For instance, he has instituted "Hug Time," which is when we drop everything to give each other big, bear hugs. Alex is also incredibly good about making sure that no one feels left out during our family moments. He gives "equal time" to both myself and George by insisting that we take turns when playing games, riding rides, choosing movies, or merely sitting next to him on the couch. I am never "permitted" to stay home when he and George make impromptu trips, and though I often feel like I am being dragged along, I appreciate my wise son's insistence that I engage in his activities, and as a result, in life.

How did he become so emotionally, interpersonally savvy? Perhaps his inability to remember to flush the toilet every time (or his selective hearing) is explained by all the energy he's putting into loving his family- and me. Somehow, he has already figured out how to prioritize! Maybe, in his own little 6 year-old way, he really does know everything. I'm so proud...and eternally grateful.

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