Since she admitted that she did not trademark her Five F's, I hope she doesn't mind that I'm sharing them in my public blog...
I had lunch with a good friend today. I've known Tomika since the summer of '97 when I prayed (silently, of course) that the "loud Black girl" (lmao- especially because I am sometimes that girl) would NOT come sit next to me during our ASU LSP orientation. Of course, she sat next to me, and my life has been SO much the better for it. I have many memories that include Tomika...from the crazy outfit shopping at Savers for our Freshman skit (I wonder if Rob-Bob still has those pants with the upside-down ducks on them?) to the night she met my future husband and declared him "good people," to the night I called her, sobbing hysterically, when the two people who mattered most in the world to me were in separate emergency rooms and I was frantically driving back and forth between them (which, in hindsight, I had no business doing)...and she helped me pull it together. There are others, of course, but those are the ones that just now popped into my head.
As I've mentioned in a previous blog, Tomika is the strong voice in my head that keeps me going whenever I feel like spontaneously combusting. And today, she shared with me her plan for 2011: The Five F's. They are, in no particular order, Family, Fitness, Fun, Finances, and Faith. (She says that Food isn't one of them, but I think Food and Fitness could go together, as part of fitness is making good choices about food, which is the fuel that makes all the other F's possible...besides, I like food!)
Anyway, Tomika impressed the heck out of me, which isn't unusual...most of the people I know impress the heck out of me and either a) inspire me to emlulate their greatness, or b) make me acutely aware of my non-greatness, or c) both a & b. So I may have to adopt her plan or modify it a bit in development of my own. Her strong voice in my head is saying that it's a good idea.
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